Consider now Km as the product Ej x E3 with E3 = Km~p. Let T be the
linear bijection of E3 onto the supplement Q of P in F generated by
dp+l,..., dm, which maps the canonical basis of Km~p onto dp+l9..., dm. We
define i?(z1? z3) =/1(z1) + r(z3) for ^ e F, z3 6 Im~p; it is obviously (8.9.1) a
continuously differentiate mapping. By definition, we have H(v(zl9z3)) =
^(/i(zi)) = rzi J hence the relation v(zl,z3) = v(z{, z3) implies z{ = Zj, and then
boils down to T(z3) = r(z3), which yields z3 = z3; therefore v is injective. The
relation Sx = 0 proved above shows that for any zl e P7,//^) = rZ^ where x
is any point in U such that/(jc) =/1(z1); the derivative of v at (z1? z3) is
therefore the linear mapping (/19 t3)-*rLx • tv + 7(/3) ((8.9.1) and (8.1.3)).
But as the restriction of H to Px is injective, P^ is a supplement of Q in F, hence
t/(zl9 z3) is a linear homeomorphism of Km onto F. For any point (z1} z3) e F1,
there is therefore an open neighborhood W of that point in Im such that the
restriction of v to W is a homeomorphism of W onto an open subset y(W)
of F, by (10.2.5). As in addition v is injective, it is a homeomorphism of
Im onto the open subset V = v(lm), whose inverse is continuously differentiable
in V. The relation/= v °/0 ° u then follows from the definitions.

(10.3.2) If the rank of f(d) is equal to n (resp. to m\ then the conclusion of
(10.3.1) holds with p = n (resp. p = m).

Indeed, at the beginning of this section we have seen that there exists then
a neighborhood of a in which the rank of/'(X) is ^n (resp. ^zm), hence equal
to n (resp. to ni) since it is always at most equal to inf(/w, n) (A.4.18).

1. Let E, F be two Banach spaces, A an open neighborhood of a point x0 e E,/a con-
tinuously differentiable mapping of A into F.

(a) Suppose /'(-^o) is a linear homeomorphism of E onto its image in F; show that
there exists a neighborhood U c A of XQ such that /is a homeomorphism of U onto
/(U) (use Problem 3 of Section 10.1).

(b) Suppose f'(x0) is surjective; then there exists a number a > 0 having the following
property: if Nisthekernelof/'(;co),for every se E, one has \\f'(xo) -s\\ ^ a-mf\\t+s\\

(12.16.12). Show that there exists a neighborhood V <= A of x0 such that/(V) is a neigh-
borhood of/(*0) in F (use Problem 8 of Section 10.1).

2. Let A be an open subset of Cp, and /an analytic mapping of A into C". Show that if
/is infective, then the rank of D/(x) is equal to^ for every jc e A. (Use contradiction, and
induction on p\ for p— 1, apply Rouche's theorem (9.17.3). Assume Df(a) has a
rank <p for some a e A; show first that after performing a linear transformation in F,
one may assume that, if /(z) = (/j(z), ...,/p(z)), then DJL/^^O, and if g(z)=*
(/2(^X •-. ,fp(z)), the rank of Dg(a) is exactly p~ 1; then there is a neighborhood